Monday, April 2, 2012

Adventure Time: Hot to the Touch - Wow

Hot to the Touch.jpg

I know I havent posted in a while, but I had to share.

That was the most adult episode of a children's cartoon on Cartoon Network I've seen in years...
not like "dirty" adult, 

emotionally adult.

It was strangely poetic...

Really makes you think. 

Finn and Flame Princess kinda like each other, but because of who they are. Or rather who SHE is. They are constantly hurting each other.

Yes, I am aware that I am an adult talking about the plot of a children's show. I am going to sound sill.

Her flames burn bright when feeling emotional, but destroys everything because she can't control her emotions and feelings. And burns Finn. And she's completely oblivious. To the harm she does..

Finn puts the fires out out of reflex, but that physically hurts her. So every time he tries to show emotion, it confuses her.

Then she goes on a burning rampage. So if he saves people, he's HURTING her.

Talk about finally taking kids seriously with good story telling!

Just think about it. When you take away the childish parts of dialogue, ignore the style and design of the world and characters, you have the plot of what could be a very real adult drama.

Two people want to make things work.
But one is over emotional and hurts people without realizing it. The other causes her confusion and pain whenever he tries to fix things.
He wants things to work, but her way of destroying things because of her emotions and actions just doesnt allow it.
He ends up questioning and risking his responsibilities to do whats right, all for a possible chance with a girl that he cares for, and wants to like him back.

All for that one chance.

Seriously, this plot is like a summary of a novel you read for an English class.

The ending was kinda bitter sweet...

reminded me a bit of high school. Only my situations never involved mutual feelings.

you know, you like a girl alot, but you can never be together because of who she is and what she does? 

Yeah, we all had those....

Art Direction was excellent as ever. It showed intricacy despite the minimalist style of the show.
And of course the dialogue had the excellent mix of silly and reality.

Its going to be a good season this year.